Numarul DOT (sau codul DOT) este de fapt o combinatie de cifre si litere standardizata de Ministerul Transporturilor al SUA (Department of Transportation) care contine informatii despre producatorul anvelopei, tara de origine si, cel mai important, data fabricatiei.
Unde se gaseste numarul DOT?
In primul rand, codul DOT trebuie identificat corect pe peretele lateral (flancul) anvelopei. El este de forma DOT XXXX XXX(X) 0000 unde X reprezinta orice litera iar 0 orice cifra. Parantezele inseamna ca simbolul respectiv poate sa lipseasca.
Atentie! Conform regulamentelor, Codul DOT este marcat complet pe cel putin un flanc al anvelopei. In practica, acest lucru inseamna ca tocmai grupul ultimelor 3 sau 4 cifre, cel care desemneaza data de fabricatie, poate sa nu apara pe ambele flancuri ale anvelopei ci doar pe unul dintre ele. Daca acesta se afla la interior, nu este vizibil la o inspectie din lateralul masinii ci doar la demontarea rotii sau ridicarea masinii pe elevator.
In concluzie, daca numarul DOT nu este marcat complet pe o parte a anvelopei, va fi sigur complet pe cealalta.
Exemplu de citire a codului DOT
DOT = Department of Transportation
Primele doua simboluri ale primului grup de 4 dupa "DOT". Reprezinta tara (sau statul in cazul SUA) de fabricatie si producatorul, conform tabelelor de mai jos.
In acest caz, ND = Germania, Goodyear.
Ultimele doua litere ale primului grup de 4 dupa "DOT". Reprezinta presa (autoclava) folosita in procesul de fabricatie.
Al doilea grup de simboluri , de obicei 4 dar poate fi compus si din doar 3. Combinatie interna de litere si cifre a producatorului folosita pentru urmarirea loturilor de catre producatori.
Ultimul grup de cifre reprezinta data de fabricatiesub forma saptamana-an. In acest exemplu, saptamana 47 a anului 2008. Acest ultim grup de 4 cifre este cunoscut in general ca si numar DOT chiar daca el este de fapt doar o componenta a codului complet .
Nota: Anvelopele fabricate inainte de 1999-2000, au acest grup format din doar 3 cifre. Exemplu 238 = saptamana 23 a anului 1998. Dupa anul 2000 toti producatorii au trecut la notarea cu 4 cifre a datei fabricatiei anvelopei in codul DOT.
Tabelul tarilor si producatorilor in codul DOT al anvelopelor.
A1 |
Franta |
Michelin |
A2 |
Brazilia |
Lee |
A3 |
SUA, Illinois |
General |
A4 |
Koreea |
Hung-A |
A5 |
Polonia |
Z.O.S. |
A6 |
India |
Apollo |
A7 |
Thailanda |
Bridgestone |
A8 |
Indonesia |
Bridgestone |
A9 |
SUA, Ohio |
General |
AA |
SUA, Ohio |
General |
AB |
SUA, Texas |
General |
AC |
SUA, N. Carolina |
General |
AD |
SUA, Kentucky |
General |
AE |
Spania |
General |
AF |
Portugalia |
General |
AH |
Mexic |
General |
AJ |
SUA, Michigan |
Uniroyal |
AK |
SUA, Massechusetts |
Uniroyal |
AL |
SUA, Wisconsin |
Uniroyal |
AM |
SUA, California |
Uniroyal |
AN |
SUA, Alabama |
Uniroyal |
AO |
India |
Wearwell |
AP |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Uniroyal |
AT |
Anglia |
Avon |
AU |
Canada, Ontario |
Uniroyal |
AV |
SUA, Ohio |
Seiberling |
AW |
Israel |
Samson |
AX |
Germania |
Phoenix |
AY |
Germania |
Pheonix |
B1 |
Franta |
Michelin |
B2 |
Malaezia |
Dunlop |
B3 |
Canada, Nova Scotia |
Michelin |
B4 |
Ungaria |
Taurus |
B5 |
Polonia |
Z.O.S. |
B6 |
SUA, S.Carolina |
Michelin |
B7 |
SUA, Alabama |
Michelin |
B8 |
Brazilia |
Michelin |
B9 |
SUA, S.Carolina |
Michelin |
BA |
SUA, Ohio |
Goodrich |
BB |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Goodrich |
BC |
SUA, Pennsylvania |
Goodrich |
BD |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Goodrich |
BE |
SUA, Alabama |
Goodrich |
BF |
SUA, Indiana |
Goodrich |
BH |
Canada |
Goodrich |
BJ |
Germania |
Goodrich |
BK |
Brazilia |
Goodrich |
BL |
Columbia |
Goodrich |
BM |
Austria |
Goodrich |
BN |
I. Phillipine |
Goodrich |
BO |
Maroc |
General |
BP |
Iran |
Goodrich |
BT |
Austria |
Semperit |
BU |
Irlanda |
Semperit |
BV |
SUA, Kentucky |
BW |
SUA, Colorado |
Gates |
BX |
SUA, Tennesse |
Gates |
BY |
SUA, Colorado |
Gates |
C1 |
Nigeria |
Michelin |
C2 |
Brazilia |
Kelly |
C3 |
SUA, Maryland |
McCreary |
C4 |
SUA, Tennessee |
Dico |
C5 |
Polonia |
Z.O.S. |
C6 |
Cehia, Slovacia |
Mitas |
C7 |
SUA, Kentucky |
Ironsides |
C8 |
Taiwan |
Bridgestone |
C9 |
Taiwan |
Seven Star |
CA |
SUA, Ohio |
Mohawk |
CB |
SUA, ArSUA, Kansas |
Mohawk |
CC |
SUA, Virgina |
Mohawk |
CD |
Israel |
Alliance |
CE |
SUA, Connecticut |
Armstrong |
CF |
SUA, Iowa |
Armstrong |
CH |
SUA, California |
Armstrong |
CJ |
Japonia |
Inque |
CK |
SUA, Tennessee |
Armstrong |
CL |
Germania |
Continental |
CM |
Germania |
Continental |
CN |
Franta |
Continental |
CO |
Turcia |
Goodyear |
CP |
Germania |
Continental |
CT |
Germania |
Continental |
CU |
Germania |
Continental |
CV |
SUA, Mississippi |
Armstrong |
CW |
Japonia |
Toyo |
CX |
Japonia |
Toyo |
CY |
SUA, Pennsylvania |
McCreary |
D1 |
Norvegia |
Viking-Askim |
D2 |
SUA, Tennessee |
Dayton |
D3 |
Canada, Ontario |
United |
D4 |
India |
Dunlop |
D5 |
India |
Dunlop |
D6 |
fosta Yugoslavie |
Borovo |
D7 |
Africa de Sud |
Dunlop |
D8 |
Africa de Sud |
Dunlop |
D9 |
Canada, Ontario |
United |
DA |
SUA, New York |
Dunlop |
DB |
SUA, Alabama |
Dunlop |
DC |
Canada, Ontario |
Dunlop |
DD |
Anglia |
Dunlop |
DE |
Anglia |
Dunlop |
DF |
Anglia |
Dunlop |
DH |
Scotia |
Dunlop |
DJ |
Irlanda |
Dunlop |
DK |
Franta |
Dunlop |
DL |
Franta |
Dunlop |
DM |
Germania |
Dunlop |
DN |
Germania |
Dunlop |
DO |
Turcia |
Kelly |
DP |
Anglia |
Dunlop |
DT |
Australia |
Dunlop |
DU |
Australia |
Dunlop |
DV |
Olanda |
Vredestein |
DW |
Olanda |
Vredestein |
DX |
Olanda |
Vredestein |
DY |
SUA, Ohio |
Denman |
E1 |
Taiwan |
Chung Hsin |
E2 |
Brazilia |
Firestone |
E3 |
SUA, Tennessee |
Seiberling |
E4 |
Noua Zeelanda |
Firestone |
E5 |
Africa de Sud |
Firestone |
E6 |
Tunisia |
Firestone |
E7 |
Kenya |
Firestone |
E8 |
Ghana |
Firestone |
E9 |
Africa de Sud |
Firestone |
EA |
Germania |
Metzeler |
EB |
Germania |
Metzeler |
EC |
Germania |
Metzeler |
ED |
Japonia |
Okamoto |
EE |
Japonia |
Nitto |
EF |
Koreea |
Hung Ah |
EH |
Japonia |
Bridgestone |
EJ |
Japonia |
Bridgestone |
EK |
Japonia |
Bridgestone |
EL |
Japonia |
Bridgestone |
EM |
Japonia |
Bridgestone |
EN |
Japonia |
Bridgestone |
EO |
Turcia |
Lee L.T. |
EP |
Japonia |
Bridgestone |
ET |
Japonia |
Sumitomo |
EU |
Japonia |
Sumitomo |
EV |
Franta |
Kleber |
EW |
Franta |
Kleber |
EX |
Franta |
Kleber |
EY |
Germania |
Kleber |
F0 |
SUA, Mississippi |
American |
F1 |
Scotia |
Michelin |
F2 |
Venezuela |
Firestone |
F3 |
Franta |
Michelin |
F4 |
Portugalia |
F5 |
Argentina |
F6 |
Spania |
Firestone |
F7 |
Spania |
Firestone |
F8 |
India |
Vikrant |
F9 |
Noua Zeelanda |
Dunlop |
FA |
Japonia |
Yokohama |
FB |
Japonia |
Yokohama |
FC |
Japonia |
Yokohama |
FD |
Japonia |
Yokohama |
FE |
Japonia |
Yokohama |
FH |
Franta |
Michelin |
FJ |
Franta |
Michelin |
FK |
Franta |
Michelin |
FL |
Franta |
Michelin |
FM |
Franta |
Michelin |
FN |
Franta |
Michelin |
FP |
Algeria |
FT |
Germania |
Michelin |
FU |
Germania |
Michelin |
FV |
Germania |
Michelin |
FW |
Germania |
Michelin |
FX |
Belgia |
Michelin |
FY |
Olanda |
Michelin |
H0 |
Pakistan |
General |
H1 |
Spania |
Michelin |
H2 |
Koreea |
Kumho |
H3 |
fosta Yugoslavie |
Sava |
H4 |
Japonia |
Bridgestone |
H5 |
Franta |
Hutchison |
H6 |
Koreea |
Shin Hung |
H7 |
Taiwan |
Li Hsin |
H8 |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Firestone |
H9 |
Germania |
Feifen-Berg |
HA |
Spania |
Michelin |
HB |
Spania |
Michelin |
HC |
Spania |
Michelin |
HD |
Italia |
Michelin |
HE |
Italia |
Michelin |
HF |
Italia |
Michelin |
HH |
Italia |
Michelin |
HJ |
Irlanda |
Michelin |
HK |
Irlanda |
Michelin |
HL |
Anglia |
Michelin |
HM |
Anglia |
Michelin |
HN |
Canada, Nova Scotia |
Michelin |
HP |
Vietnam |
Michelin |
HT |
Italia |
Ceat |
HU |
Italia |
Ceat |
HV |
Italia |
Ceat |
HW |
Cehia, Slovacia |
Rudy Rijen |
HX |
SUA, Ohio |
Dayton |
HY |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Dayton |
J0 |
Koreea |
Koreea Inocee |
J1 |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Phillips |
J2 |
Singapore |
Bridgestone |
J3 |
Cehia, Slovacia |
Gumarne |
J4 |
Cehia, Slovacia |
Rubena |
J5 |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Lee |
J6 |
fosta URSS |
Jaroslav |
J7 |
SUA, Indiana |
R & J |
J8 |
China, Shanghai |
Da Chung |
J9 |
Indonesia |
P.T. Intriub |
JA |
SUA, Ohio |
Lee |
JB |
SUA, Ohio |
Lee |
JC |
SUA, Pennsylvania |
Lee |
JD |
SUA, Maryland |
Lee |
JE |
SUA, Virgina |
Lee |
JF |
SUA, N. Carolina |
Lee |
JH |
SUA, Illinois |
Lee |
JJ |
SUA, Alabama |
Lee |
JK |
SUA, Mississippi |
Lee |
JL |
SUA, California |
Lee |
JM |
SUA, Massachusetts |
Lee |
JN |
SUA, Kansas |
Lee |
JP |
SUA, Texas |
Lee |
JT |
SUA, Tennessee |
Lee |
JU |
Canada, Ontario |
Lee |
JV |
Canada, Ontario |
Lee |
JW |
Canada, Ontario |
Lee |
JX |
Canada, Quebec |
Lee |
JY |
Argentina |
Lee |
K0 |
Koreea |
Michelin |
K1 |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Phillips |
K2 |
SUA, Kentucky |
Lee |
K3 |
Taiwan |
Kenda |
K4 |
Mexic |
Uniroyal |
K5 |
Germania |
K6 |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Lee |
K7 |
Chile |
Lee |
K8 |
Malaezia |
Kelly |
K9 |
Taiwan |
Natier Tire |
KA |
Australia |
Lee |
KB |
Australia |
Lee |
KC |
Brazilia |
Lee |
KD |
Columbia |
Lee |
KE |
Congo |
Lee |
KF |
Franta |
Lee |
KH |
Germania |
Lee |
KJ |
Germania |
Lee |
KK |
Grecia |
Lee |
KL |
Guatemala |
Lee |
KM |
Luxembourg |
Lee |
KN |
India |
Lee |
KP |
Indonesia |
Lee |
KT |
Italia |
Lee |
KU |
Jamaica |
Lee |
KV |
Mexic |
Lee |
KW |
Peru |
Lee |
KX |
I. Phillipine |
Lee |
KY |
Scotia |
Lee |
L0 |
Franta |
Michelin |
L1 |
Taiwan |
Goodyear |
L2 |
Koreea |
Wuon Poong |
L3 |
Koreea |
Tong Shin |
L4 |
Romania |
I.D.A. |
L5 |
Turcia |
Lassa Lastik |
L6 |
India |
Modi |
L7 |
Romania |
I.D.A. |
L8 |
Zimbabwe |
Dunlop |
L9 |
Anglia |
Panther |
LA |
Africa de Sud |
Lee |
LB |
Suedia |
Lee |
LC |
Thailanda |
Lee |
LD |
Turcia |
Lee |
LE |
Venzuela |
Lee |
LF |
Anglia |
Lee |
LH |
Austria |
Uniroyal |
LJ |
Belgia |
Uniroyal |
LK |
Columbia |
Llantas |
LL |
Franta |
Uniroyal |
LM |
Germania |
Uniroyal |
LN |
Mexic |
Uniroyal |
LP |
Scotia |
Uniroyal |
LT |
Turcia |
Uniroyal |
LU |
Venzuela |
Uniroyal |
LV |
Canada, Ontario |
General |
LW |
Suedia |
Trelleborg |
LX |
Japonia |
Mitsuboshi |
LY |
Japonia |
Mitsuboshi |
M1 |
Maroc |
Goodyear |
M2 |
SUA, Kentucky |
Goodyear |
M3 |
SUA, N. Carolina |
Michelin |
M4 |
SUA, Ohio |
Goodyear |
M5 |
Canada, Nova Scotia |
Michelin |
M6 |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Goodyear |
M7 |
Chile |
Goodyear |
M8 |
India |
Premier |
M9 |
SUA, Connecticut |
Uniroyal |
MA |
SUA, Ohio |
Goodyear |
MB |
SUA, Ohio |
Goodyear |
MC |
SUA, Virgina |
Goodyear |
MD |
SUA, Alabama |
Goodyear |
ME |
SUA, Michigan |
Goodyear |
MF |
SUA, California |
Goodyear |
MH |
SUA, Maine |
Goodyear |
MJ |
SUA, Kansas |
Goodyear |
MK |
SUA, Tennessee |
Goodyear |
ML |
SUA, Maryland |
Goodyear |
MM |
SUA, N. Carolina |
Goodyear |
MN |
SUA, Illinois |
Goodyear |
MP |
SUA, Texas |
Goodyear |
MT |
SUA, Pennsylvania |
Goodyear |
MU |
Argentina |
Goodyear |
MV |
Austria |
Goodyear |
MW |
Austria |
Goodyear |
MX |
Brazilia |
Goodyear |
MY |
Columbia |
Goodyear |
N1 |
Elvetia |
Maloja |
N2 |
SUA, New York |
Hurtubise |
N3 |
Japonia |
Nitto |
N4 |
Romania |
I.D.A. |
N5 |
Germania |
Pneumant |
N6 |
Germania |
Pneumant |
N7 |
Romania |
I.D.A. |
N8 |
Malaezia |
Lee |
N9 |
Brazilia |
C.P. Tropical |
NA |
Congo |
Goodyear |
NB |
Anglia |
Goodyear |
NC |
Franta |
Goodyear |
ND |
Germania |
Goodyear |
NE |
Germania |
Goodyear |
NF |
Grecia |
Goodyear |
NH |
Guatemala |
Goodyear |
NJ |
Luxembourg |
Goodyear |
NK |
India |
Goodyear |
NL |
Indonesia |
Goodyear |
NM |
Italia |
Goodyear |
NN |
Jamaica |
Goodyear |
NP |
Mexic |
Goodyear |
NT |
Peru |
Goodyear |
NU |
I. Phillipine |
Goodyear |
NV |
Scotia |
Goodyear |
NW |
Africa de Sud |
Goodyear |
NX |
Suedia |
Goodyear |
NY |
Thailanda |
Goodyear |
P1 |
Suedia |
Gislaved |
P2 |
SUA, Kentucky |
Kelly |
P3 |
Suedia |
Skepplanda |
P4 |
SUA, Ohio |
Kelly |
P5 |
Mexic |
Genl Popo |
P6 |
SUA, Oklahoma |
Kelly |
P7 |
Chile |
Kelly |
P8 |
China |
Oingdao |
P9 |
India |
PA |
Turcia |
Goodyear |
PB |
Venezuela |
Goodyear |
PC |
Canada, Alberta |
Goodyear |
PD |
Canada, Quebec |
Goodyear |
PE |
Canada, Ontario |
Goodyear |
PF |
Canada, Ontario |
Goodyear |
PG |
Canada, Ontario |
Goodyear2 |
PH |
SUA, Maryland |
Kelly |
PI |
Suedia |
Gislaved |
PJ |
SUA, N. Carolina |
Kelly |
PK |
SUA, Illinois |
Kelly |
PL |
SUA, Texas |
Kelly |
PM |
SUA, Pennsylvania |
Kelly |
PN |
SUA, Ohio |
Kelly |
PP |
SUA, Ohio |
Kelly |
PT |
SUA, Virgina |
Kelly |
PU |
SUA, Alabama |
Kelly |
PV |
SUA, Mississippi |
Kelly |
PW |
SUA, California |
Kelly |
PX |
SUA, Maine |
Kelly |
PY |
SUA, Kansas |
Kelly |
T1 |
Koreea |
Hankook |
T2 |
Polonia |
Uniroyal |
T3 |
Polonia |
Z.O.S. |
T4 |
Belgia |
Carideng |
T5 |
fosta Yugoslavie |
Tigar-Pirot |
T6 |
Mexic |
Hulera Tornel |
T7 |
Koreea |
Hankook |
T8 |
Malaezia |
Goodyear |
T9 |
India |
TA |
SUA, Tennessee |
Kelly |
TB |
Argentina |
Kelly |
TC |
Australia |
Kelly |
TD |
Australia |
Kelly |
TE |
Brazilia |
Kelly |
TF |
Columbia |
Kelly |
TH |
Congo |
Kelly |
TJ |
Anglia |
Kelly |
TK |
Franta |
Kelly |
TL |
Germania |
Kelly |
TM |
Germania |
Kelly |
TN |
Grecia |
Kelly |
TP |
Guatemala |
Kelly |
TT |
Luxembourg |
Kelly |
TU |
India |
Kelly |
TV |
Indonesia |
Kelly |
TW |
Italia |
Kelly |
TX |
Jamaica |
Kelly |
TY |
Mexic |
Kelly |
U1 |
Taiwan |
Lien Shin |
U2 |
Japonia |
Sumitomo |
U3 |
fosta Yugoslavie |
Miloje Zakie |
U4 |
SUA, Ohio |
Byers & Sons |
U5 |
Germania |
Farbenfabrik |
U6 |
Germania |
Pneumant |
U7 |
Germania |
Pneumant |
U8 |
Taiwan |
Nankang |
U9 |
SUA, Mississippi |
Cooper |
UA |
Peru |
Kelly |
UB |
I. Phillipine |
Kelly |
UC |
Scotia |
Kelly |
UD |
Africa de Sud |
Kelly |
UE |
Suedia |
Kelly |
UF |
Thailanda |
Kelly |
UH |
Turcia |
Kelly |
UJ |
Venezuela |
Kelly |
UK |
Canada, Alberta |
Kelly |
UL |
Canada, Quebec |
Kelly |
UM |
Canada, Ontario |
Kelly |
UN |
Canada, Ontario |
Kelly |
UP |
SUA, Ohio |
Cooper |
UT |
SUA, Texas |
Cooper |
UU |
SUA, Pennsylvania |
Carlisle |
UV |
Japonia |
Kzowa |
UW |
Japonia |
Okada |
UX |
Taiwan |
Tay Feng |
UY |
Taiwan |
Cheng Shin |
V1 |
SUA, Ohio |
Livingstons |
V2 |
fosta URSS |
Vsesojuznoe |
V3 |
Taiwan |
Ta Hsin |
V4 |
Japonia |
Ohtsu |
V5 |
Mexic |
Firestone |
V6 |
Mexic |
Firestone |
V7 |
fosta URSS |
Vsesojuznoe |
V8 |
Suedia |
Boras |
V9 |
SUA, Massachusetts |
M & R Tire |
VA |
SUA, Ohio |
Firestone |
VB |
SUA, Ohio |
Firestone |
VC |
SUA, Georgia |
Firestone |
VD |
SUA, Illinois |
Firestone |
VE |
SUA, Indiana |
Firestone |
VF |
SUA, California |
Firestone |
VH |
SUA, Tennessee |
Firestone |
VJ |
SUA, Pennsylvania |
Firestone |
VK |
SUA, California |
Firestone |
VL |
Canada, Ontario |
Firestone |
VM |
Canada, Alberta |
Firestone |
VN |
Canada, Quebec |
Firestone |
VP |
Italia |
Firestone |
VT |
Spania |
Firestone |
VU |
SUA, Pennsylvania |
Universal |
VV |
Suedia |
Firestone |
VW |
Japonia |
Ohtsu |
VX |
Anglia |
Firestone |
VY |
Anglia |
Firestone |
W1 |
SUA, Tennessee |
Firestone |
W2 |
SUA, N. Carolina |
Firestone |
W3 |
Olanda |
Vredestein |
W4 |
Australia |
Dunlop-Olympic |
W5 |
Argentina |
Firestone |
W6 |
I. Phillipine |
Philtread |
W7 |
Portugalia |
Firestone |
W8 |
Thailanda |
Siam Tyre |
W9 |
Brazilia |
Firestone |
WA |
Franta |
Firestone |
WB |
Costa Rica |
Industria Ak. |
WC |
Austria |
Firestone |
WD |
Elvetia |
Firestone |
WE |
Taiwan |
Nankang |
WF |
Spania |
Firestone |
WH |
Suedia |
Firestone |
WK |
SUA, Mississippi |
Mansfield |
WL |
SUA, Ohio |
Mansfield |
WM |
Australia |
Dunlop-Olympic |
WN |
Australia |
Olympic |
WP |
SUA, Maryland |
Schenuit |
WT |
India |
Madras |
WU |
India |
Ceat |
WV |
Taiwan |
General |
WW |
Mexic |
Euzkadi |
WX |
Mexic |
Euzkadi |
WY |
Mexic |
Euzkadi |
X0 |
fosta URSS |
Vsesojuznoe |
X1 |
Koreea |
Tong Shin |
X2 |
Taiwan |
Hwa Fong |
X3 |
fosta URSS |
Vsesojuznoe |
X4 |
Iran |
Pars |
X5 |
India |
JK Industries |
X6 |
7283 citiri | Publicat in data de 12 Aprilie 2010 |Numarul, DOT, anvelope, anvelopa, cauciuc, decodificat, Data, locul, fabricatiei, anvelope